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Expectations Vs Reality of Brisbane Escorts

The glamorous world of Brisbane Escorts is quite blinding. For clients, it's the world of pure bliss, happiness, and eroticism. It's a complete adventure and wonderful and entertaining. While for women, the world of escorts is interesting, fun and something they will really like to do. Either way, there are many misconceptions and stories surfaces regarding on what escorts really do. Some are too good to be true while others cross the boundary of being an acceptable job. 

Here are few "expectations vs reality" of becoming an Escort in Brisbane. 

Expectations Vs Reality of Brisbane EscortsExpectation: You will have to have sex with every client

Reality: This could be one of the most popular and common expectation of people when it comes to escorts. For new clients, this sets up a high inappropriate expectation. They think that they are booking lovely sophisticated ladies and expect them to have sex with them regardless of any reason. This isn't true at all. 

Escorts are being booked for their company. It might come as a surprise to many but most men especially businessmen or elites book escorts to accompany them to events, parties, and others. Sex is not something they are required to offer but some do. This will all depend on the negotiation between the escort and the client.

Expectations Vs Reality of Brisbane Escorts
Expectation: Business is easy to find

Reality: This could be one frustrating aspect escorts. There are many Brisbane escorts and other places in Australia. Most are like freelancing managing their own marketing and advertisements. This is quite difficult since as an escort, they should know where and how to properly market their services. 

Some use agencies. They have to pay initial payment or so but they don't have to worry about advertising themselves, the agency will do it for them. All they have to do is ensure that their services are refined. 

This is also the reason why many clients prefer agencies. Yes, solo escorts are cheaper but assurances and safety are in question. They prefer to choose escorts on agencies where they have different choices. The challenge here for the ladies is to create a profile clients can't resist.

Expectation: People just want model “High Class” Escorts

Reality: Anyone with confidence and skills can be an escort. There isn't a certain body type that agencies and clients look for but it's no secret that clients do prefer someone who is very sexy. But anyone can as long as the escort have an interesting profile, good reviews, and entertaining personality. 

Expectation: It is a short-term career

Reality: This can be true only for those who are not serious. Most escorts stay in this industry for at least 2-3 years. Not months. 

Expectation: The hours are very short

Reality:  Brisbane Escorts work the same hours as anyone else more so in some situations. Some escorts work for at least 10 hours and day and fro 3-4 days in a week. This could be like building their profile, connecting with clients or being the best date their clients wants to be.

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